Build your dream,
by building your business.
Now Accepting Applications!
SIP Global Business Plan Contest
Bring your best ideas and proactive solutions to our business planning competition, designed to reward innovative minds.
Participants have the chance to win cash prizes, business resources and more!
Focused on harnessing the energy of the emerging generation, aspiring entrepreneurs under the age of 35 are welcome to apply.
Rolling applications will be accepted throughout the year to allow ample opportunities for students and young innovators to participate.
Qualifying contestants will be chosen by the SIP Innovation Lab selection committee to advance to the next phase of the contest.
At the start of each season's contest, participants will define their plan and set forth to further develop the key aspects of their startup.
Participating groups will then progress to an exclusive SIP accelerator program, designed to kickstart new businesses and support growing ideas.
Winners will be announced at Innovation Celebration events amongst sponsors, mentors and supporters of participating teams from each season.
Target Categories in
Re-establishing high standards of focused lifestyle interventions in health and wellness to include diet, supplements, exercise, social engagement. emotional wellbeing, mental stimulation and sleep.
Supporting health-related solutions across the care continuum including diagnostics, care plan management, educational resources, along with improvement and availability of medical systems.
Breathing new life into the caregiver workforce by enlisting 500,000 to 1 million new healthcare workers and volunteers in support of afflicted individuals and families.
Supporting current and future developments in research, clinical trials, strategy, medical advancements, preventative and proactive therapies, pharmaceuticals and more.
Contribute to Change

Sponsorships and donations are an essential part of the strength in this movement. People around the world deserve to live better and healthier lives, and you can actively contribute to solutions in brain health with a generous gift to the SIP Global Business Plan Contest.
Donated funds are directly applied to research, product development and new business generation in rewarding deserving participants and teams. With the support of donors and collaborative partners, we can provide participants with ample opportunities to bring their solutions in innovation, to life.
2023 - 2024 Key Dates & Upcoming Events
Application Deadline
December 4
Selection Announcement
January 2024
Innovation Celebration Event
Spread the Word
Even if you cannot actively participate in one of our Innovation Initiatives, you can support Social Impact Partners by spreading the word!
Send a link to our website, post about SIP on social media or download and distribute our information materials. Thank you for supporting our mission, because we believe we are stronger when we work together!